Nuovo Mondo Alex Cecchetti

14 March – Nuovo Mondo – The Departure

with Antoine Davenne, Clarisse Herrenschmidt, Francesco Pedraglio

30 May 7 pm – Nuovo Mondo – Without maps or measure

with Cécilia Bengolea, Heather Phillipson, Catitu Tayassu

19 June 6.45 pm – Nuovo Mondo – Fruits of the country

with Tim Etchells, Joris Lacoste et Laure Prouvost (with Edouard Thomas)


Une promenade dans l’autre monde de la poésie

Un projet d’Alex Cecchetti pour le Palais de Tokyo


Dear William

We have done as you said, and instead of sailing from east to west we followed your map and we went from up here to down there. Your vision was a vision of truth. The passage exists. We have reached the shores of what we think it is a new world. I write you from here. The great excitement is not about the size of the new world or the exotic things we may find in here. The great grace is for us the certitude we now have that many other ways exist. Because for every new world discovered at least two passages exist. Everything is connected to here and from here.

New World is a performative seminar on poetry, a walk through the concentric circles that descends in the basement of the Palais de Tokyo. Alex Cecchetti accompanies the public through these narrow passages where artists embody poems.

Alex Cecchetti has developed a unique practice, difficult to classify, voluntarily heterogene  in its diverse forms, but united in the method. Alex Cecchetti engages the viewer physically and intellectually, in a concrete experience where the work is perceived as a mental thing and the thought as a form.

Special thanks to Germana Jaulin, Edouard Thomas, Paola Fleming and David Janesko.


Evénement gratuit sur présentation d’un billet d’entrée à l’exposition en cours, sans inscription.